There are a wide variety of therapies employed by Naturopathic Doctor Reina Persaud in the treatment of an individual. Therapies include nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (includes acupuncture), counseling and preventative and lifestyle modification. Other therapies offered by Dr. Reina Persaud, N.D., are clinical hypnotherapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki and reflexology.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Originating from China over five thousand years ago and based on balancing the flow of Qi (energy) through the body's meridian pathways, Traditional Chinese Medicine includes the use of acupuncture and traditional herbs to attain harmony. This therapy alleviates pain and can increase the immune response by stimulating acupoints to enhance and/or balance the flow of energy through the body and restore health. Comprehensive knowledge of this oriental system of medicine, which significantly differs from that of Western medicine in method of diagnosis and differentiation of symptoms, is required in order for the development of the effective treatment plan. After diagnosis, acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal patent medicines may be administered. In the case of acupuncture, needles are specifically placed in any of over one thousand locations on the body, however, no more than ten to twelve needles are applied per treatment. While inserting the needles, there is a slight pricking sensation that passes quickly.
Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda is a holistic science of wellness based on creating harmony between two fundamental complementary forces, movement (observed in respiration, circulation, digestion, elimination and in the nervous system), and stability (which provides the structure to support movement). Behind these two forces is the one energy that makes it all happen. Ayurveda works through keeping these forces in balance, creating harmony with this natural rhythm found in all life. Harmony reflects itself in wellness just as all disease grows from an imbalance.
All life forms contain a unique mix of these forces giving them their special character. Thus, because every individual is unique and indivisible, what is balancing for one person's body and temperament, may cause imbalances and disease in another. Ayurveda provides guidelines to determine your individual constitution and for your specific pathways for creating balance.
Botanical/Herbal Medicine
The use of plants for healing dates back to the beginning of civilization and is the foundation of modern pharmacology. Plant substances from around the world are used for their healing effects and nutritional value. A wide variety of ailments can be treated with herbs such as digestive disorders, arthritic conditions, hormonal imbalances and mental illnesses. Naturopathic physicians are professionally trained herbalists and know both the historical uses of plants as well as modern pharmacological mechanisms and any contraindications. Benefits of herbs can be started from your own kitchen or backyard to teas and standardized supplements.
A naturopathic visit includes an extensive consultation. By using interviewing and responding skills, a strong therapeutic relationship can be developed. This can aid in the recognition and understanding of prevalent psychological issues such as developmental problems, abnormal behaviour, stress, sexuality, addictions, etc. which can be treated appropriately. Treatment can include guided imagery, positive affirmations and clinical hypnotherapy. Physical, nutritional and environmental factors also affect health. Patients are then counselled in making effective lifestyle choices to achieve optimum health.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy gently manipulates the sutures and meninges of the skull to determine if there is any restriction or dysfunction of the natural, rhythmical rise and fall of cerebrospinal fluid pressure of the craniosacral system. Abnormal motion is released through gentle traction and elongation of the restricted movement. This therapy can treat a range of conditions from headache and ear infection to stroke, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. For decades, various forms of craniosacral manipulations have been used to improve overall body functioning and, today, craniosacral therapy is gaining acceptance by health professionals worldwide as a successful treatment modality.
Far-Infrared Sauna
Far-Infrared saunas are low heat saunas that have been widely used for their therapeutic effect. They increase sweat volume and accelerate the removal of toxic metals as well as organic toxins like PCB's and pesticide residues - chemicals that are stored in the fatty tissues of the body and are not easily dislodged. Far infrared is an old technique in energy medicine but a new technology. After all, the body's use of infrared rays is literally as old as our species. Traditionally, we've gotten our daily dose of infrared from sunlight, which is composed of all the energy wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Today we're seeing new technologies employing far-infrared energy in healthcare products and in clinical protocols such as hyperthermic therapies for detoxification and cancer treatment. We can help our body detoxify so we can be healthier, live longer, and most importantly, enjoy a good quality of life.
Homeopathy is derived from the Greek word homeos, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning disease. Practised throughout the world, homeopathy is based on the principles of like cures like. The remedies are minute amounts of natural substances used to stimulate the bodys natural healing response. Homeopathic medicines are derived from a variety of plant, mineral and chemical substances and are administered in pellet or alcohol-based dosages. In homeopathy, the treatment is individual to the uniqueness of the symptoms. All of the symptoms you experience are important to help select the correct homeopathic remedy for the patient.
Through the use of hot or cold water, hydrotherapy uses water in any of its forms using a variety of application methods (sitz bath, douche, spa and hot tubs, whirlpool, sauna, shower, immersion bath, pack, poultice, foot bath, fomentation, wrap, etc.) in the maintenance of health or treatment of disease. The water can be administered externally or internally and is effective in treating a variety of conditions from stress and pain to removing toxins, such as bacteria and viruses. Adopted by many ancient cultures (Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Hebrews, Hindus and Chinese), it is one of the ancient methods of treatment of disease and injury.
Hypnotherapy has therapeutic applications for both psychological and physical disorders. A skilled hypnotherapist can facilitate profound changes in respiration and relaxation on the part of the client to support positive shifts in behaviour and an enhanced well-being. A physiological shift can be observed in a hypnotic state, as can greater control of autonomic nervous system functions normally considered to be beyond ones ability to control. Hypnotherapy is effective in treating stress, depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, fears, and phobias as well as assisting in the cessation of smoking, alcohol/substance abuse and overeating.
Muscle Testing/Applied Kinesiology
Based on the concept of internal energy, muscle testing is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body's imbalances and assessing its needs. It involves testing the body's responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body's responses to herbs and other remedies.
Nutrition and Diet
Clinical nutrition examines the relationship between diet and health. Special diets may be recommended and treatment may include nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutraceuticals. Common conditions effectively treated by nutrition and diet include: acne, arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, depression, diabetes (type II), eczema, gout, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome and ulcerative colitis.
Physical Medicine
Physical medicine refers to the use of physical measures in the treatment of an individual. A variety of hands-on techniques for the spine, joints and soft tissues are practiced. Physical treatments include reflexology and naturopathic manipulations. Also, the use of physiotherapy equipment such as ultrasound, diathermy and other electromagnetic techniques, therapeutic exercise and bodywork can be implemented to enhance health.
Reflexology may be described as a specialized form of massage of the feet and, less commonly, of the hands. There are specific reflex areas of the hands and feet that correspond to every part of the body, organ and glands. With the use of a body-chart, reflexology is performed to detect and correct imbalances in the body that may be causing ill-health. Reflexology is used to relieve stress and tension, stimulate deep relaxation, improve the blood supply and promote the unblocking of nerve impulses to normalize and balance the entire body.
Reiki practitioners channel energy in a particular pattern to heal and harmonize. Unlike other healing therapies based on the premise of a human energy field, Reiki seeks to restore order to the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced. Reiki energy has several basic effects: it brings about deep relaxation, destroys energy blockages, detoxifies the system, provides new vitality in the form of healing universal life energy, incorporates spiritual healing and increases the vibrational frequency of the body.
Non-drug based treatment can be highly effective. Popular demand for alternatives to pharmaceuticals has pushed supplement development companies to produce breakthroughs in addressing specific health issues. This demand has also resulted in wide range of quality and product efficacy stemming from businesses looking to profit from marketing-not scientific research. Supplements are medicine, and patients should expect this medicine to be prescribed by a professional, such as a licensed Naturopath.
Disclaimer: The goal of this website is to inform patients and potential patients on the benefits of Naturopathic Medicine. It is not to be considered as medical advice without a physical exam, medical history and appropriate laboratory work up. Dr. Reina Persaud, BSc, ND does not assume any responsibility of how the information on this site is used.