Links and Resources
Disclaimer: Dr. Reina Persaud, N.D. disclaims liability for materials in link sites. They are intended for informational reference.
Articles, Columns and Medical Journals
CAM on Pubmed: www.nccam.nih.gov
Canoe's C-health: www.canoe.ca/Health
Complementary Sites
Acupuncture: www.acupuncture.ca
Ayurvedic Medicine: www.niam.com
Chiropractic: www.ccachiro.org
Herbal (general interest): www.altnature.com
Native American Healing: www.nativeamericanhealing.com
Ontario Herbals Association: www.herbalists.on.ca
Yahoo!: health.yahoo.com/health/alternative_medicine
Environmental Concerns
Cosmetic Safety Products: www.cosmeticdatabase.com
Environmental Product Safety Information: www.ewg.org
Toxins in Our Environment: www.toxicnation.ca
Health Food Stores
Lyn-Dys: www.lyndys.com
Quarter Master Foods: www.quartermasterfoods.com
Infectious Diseases
Mental Health
Mental Health Directory: mentalhelp.net
Mental Health Net: www.cmhc.com
Naturopathic Associations
British Columbia ND Association: www.bcna.bc.ca
Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors:www.naturopathicassoc.ca
Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors: www.oand.org
Politically Charged/Thought Provoking
Dr. Mercola: www.mercola.com/current.htm
Medical Truth Online: www.medicaltruth.com
The Doctor Within: www.thedoctorwithin.com
Vaccines: www.safeminds.org
Recipe Options
Resources Listing and Health Care Policies
Canadian Health Network: canadianhealthnetwork.ca
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services: www.motherfriendly.org
Health Canada Online: www.hc-sc.gc.ca
Ontario Medical Association: www.oma.org
US Government Health Site: www.healthfinder.gov
Review Health Information (mostly allopathic)
Johns Hopkins: www.intelihealth.com
Mayo Clinic: www.mayohealth.org
Medical Specialties: www.medscape.com
Women's Health Menopause (general interest):
Women's Health Matters: www.womenshealthmatters.ca

Arson et al. Food Allergy Survival Guide: Surviving and Thriving with Food Allergies and Sensitivities. 2004. Book Publishing Co.
Bailey, Philip, MD. Homeopathic Psychology. 1995. North Atlantic Books.
Balch, James et al. Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More. 2004. John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
Boon, Heather and Michael Smith, ND. The Botanical Pharmacy. 1999. Quarry Health Books.
Burton Goldberg Group. Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. 1995. Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.
Chopra, Deepak, MD. Perfect Health. 1991. Harmony Books.
Erasmus, Udo. Fats and Oils. 1991. Alive Books.
Galland, Leo, MD. The Four Pillars of Health. 1997. Random House.
Hahnemann, Samuel. Organon of the Medical Art. Wenda Brewster O'Reilly Ed. 1996. Birdcage Books.
Hartwig, Kirsten and Nic Rowley. Ten Days to Better Health. 1998. Piatkus.
Hoffer, Abram, MD. Natural Nutrition for Children. 1999. Quarry Health Books.
Jones, Marjorie. The Allergy Self-Help Cookbook: Over 325 Natural Foods Recipes, Free of All Common Food Allergens: Wheat-Free, Milk-Free, Egg-Free, Corn-Free, Sugar-Free. 2001. Vhps Rodale.
Krasner, AM. The Wizard Within. 1991. American Board of Hypnotherapy Press.
Lockie, Andrew and Nicola Geddes, MDs. Homeopathy: The Principles and Practice of Treatment. 1995. Reader's Digest.
Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. 1989. Churchill Livingstone.
Murray, Michael. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. 1996. Prima Publishing.
Murray, Michael, ND and Joseph Pizzorno, ND. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. 1991. Prima Publishing.
Neustaedter, Randall. The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults. 2002. North Atlantic Books.
Pizzorno, Joseph, ND. Total Wellness. 1996. Prima Publishing.
Romm, Aviva. Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives. 2001. Ten Speed.
Shealy, C. Norman, MD. The Complete Family Guide to Alternative Medicine. 1996. Element Books Ltd.
Vanderhaehe, Lorna. Health Immunity. 2001. Macmillan Canada.
Disclaimer: The goal of this website is to inform patients and potential patients on the benefits of Naturopathic Medicine. It is not to be considered as medical advice without a physical exam, medical history and appropriate laboratory work up. Dr. Reina Persaud, BSc, ND does not assume any responsibility of how the information on this site is used.