Our Staff
Dr. Reina Persaud B.Sc., N.D.
Born and raised in London, I graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Western Ontario, then completed my post-graduate studies at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. In my years of practice, I have strived to continue to educate myself in other forms of treatments in physical as well as energetic medicine for the benefit of my patients. You are always learning in life!!!
Beyond my academic achievements, I have taken part in studies concerning rehabilitation for stroke patients and cancer and neuromuscular research. In addition, I have interned with Doctors of Pediatrics, Physiatry, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine and Chiropractic Medicine at private clinics, University Hospital and Children's Hospital. Currently, I am involved in lectures for UWO medical students, surgeons and nurses from the London Health Sciences Centre, Fanshawe College, La Leche League, local corporations and associations. In my community, I try to be an active volunteer for shelters, cultural associations and local fundraisers for health concerns.
In life, we are always busy, however, I always make time for my daughters (Cadence and Coda) and husband (Michael, Registered Dietician and Masters of Applied Nutrition) and of course, my dog. Remember, to maintain balance in life, yet live life to the fullest!!!
Melissa Leverre, RMT
Melissa was born and raised in small town northern Ontario. She left the north in the late nineties to attend the D'Arcy Lane Institute and obtained her massage therapy diploma in 2001 . She practiced massage therapy for 5 years and decided to add to her practice by gaining her certificate in acupuncture from the College of Acupuncture and Therapeutics in Kitchener, Ontario. She continued to work in her private practice and was offered a teaching position in the massage therapy program at Medix School in London. She taught anatomy, physiology, pathology, remedial exercises, and theory and technique. She also was the clinical supervisor for the external student massage clinic.
Melissa was once again interested in furthering her education and in 2008 entered study at the Canadian College of Osteopathy in Toronto, Ontario. She will finish the 5 years of study in 2013 and will then proceed with writing and defending her thesis in "The effect of global Osteopathic treatment in idiopathic infertility in women". She believes in treating the entire person and believes that Osteopathy is the key. Osteopaths have been described as engineers of the human body, they assess and seek out the causes of dysfunction and pain in the body. Osteopathy was founded in the late 1800s in Kirksville, Missouri, by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still.
Melissa enjoys spending time with her husband and their 2 fur-babies, Stella (dog) and Jonesy (cat), horseback riding, reading and enjoying all the great things life has to offer.
Melissa Leverre RMT, C.Ac, Osteopathy (current study)
880 Adelaide St. North
London, Ontario
N5Y 2M3
Disclaimer: The goal of this website is to inform patients and potential patients on the benefits of Naturopathic Medicine. It is not to be considered as medical advice without a physical exam, medical history and appropriate laboratory work up. Dr. Reina Persaud, BSc, ND does not assume any responsibility of how the information on this site is used.